Friday, November 21, 2008

Adjust Your Menus, People

Alright, I realize that this might be cutting it close and that most people will already have their Thanksgiving ducks in a row, but I would be doing the world a huge disservice if I did not bring this to your attention.

Last year we gave our turkey a bacon tuxedo, complete with a bacon bowtie and lapels. It was self-basting. It was fun. Most of all, it was absolutely delicious.

You've probably heard of turducken, a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken.

Some genius has given the world the Turbaconducken. Behold:

Turducken wrapped in and stuffed with bacon.

Here is the step-by-step Turbaconducken Tutorial.

This would have made the pilgrims proud.

[This has been a public service announcement.]

1 comment:

ally said...

it would also have made the pilgrims as fat as america currently is.