Friday, October 31, 2008

This Made Me Really Happy

You may remember the one good thing that ever came of my old website, passing along the stories of Jeffery Marzi.

An illustrator/producer from London saw Mr. Marzi's stories and drawings and started putting together a documentary 2 years ago.

It aired on the BBC the other night.

I highly recommend checking out the short video piece here.

If anybody deserves even a little success, it is this guy. His persistence and belief in himself is inspiring.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

this is for jeff

my friends over at steeez aren't so impressed by this but i thought it was pretty catchy. who's that in the kitchen?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

America's Sweetheart

Oh... she heard the person in the crowd. What did she do? She kept right on going.

At least she didn't wink at them, I guess.

In light of recent events, you'd think someone on that campaign would have the decency to say "enough is enough."

Sadly, that seems to be wishful thinking.


Well, at least the numbers are looking good. Nothing in the world could screw this up, right?


What's that?

I should watch this?

Great. I feel much better now.

Monday, October 27, 2008

This Is How Geeky I Was

I actually watched this.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Senator Biden Is Now My Homeboy"

A 5th grader asks Senator Biden what a VP does. He gets the answer right.

This is just under 6 minutes of wonderfulness. Damon Weaver is on the road to being a great reporter. This finishes strong, but the entire clip is honestly quite sweet.

Please note that Mr. Weaver did not skip class to attend this event. He attended after school and this was his homework assignment.

God Bless America

Saturday, October 25, 2008

this is for paul

so i went to the Windy City Comicon today. the first comicon to come to the city in a while, from what i understand.

sorry, poobah, i didn't take any photos. it was much tamer than i had expected. i only saw one costumed dude and he was a storm trooper ... yawn ...

i saw this comic in a $1 box, a cover i remember from my younger days:

i bought these guys:

i wish i had done a little homework so that i could have been impressed (not to say i wasn't after visiting tables) by all the guests. however, this guy made eye contact with me and i felt all tingly:

Friday, October 24, 2008

Undecided Voters

"I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention? To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it? To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."

While it sounds like he and I are leaning the same way on our choices, I think his take is a bit extreme. I understand that some people won't vote for Obama, whether their reasons be that his name won't be listed under their preferred party, or they disagree with his policies, or even if they've fallen for the smears. I get that.

What I don't understand is how at this point some people have yet to make up their minds. These two candidates differ so drastically on policy issues; they represent such different ideals and values.

What more could anyone who has been paying even a little bit of attention need to reach a decision? Are they waiting for Obama to accidentally leave the house in a turban? Or for Palin to challenge Putin to an arm wrestling match?

These people are a mystery to me.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Somebody's about to get served!

If that doesn't load (I was having problems) try this.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

my greatest fear

if i don't have a date soon (with someone that doesn't have gray hair yet):

[thank you,]

don't it feel good?

i stayed up way too late last night watching espisodes of 'intervention' online.

the first episode i watched, my friends jeff and troy told me about, but i was still unprepared for how sad and nuts it was. this chick is addicted to computer duster. she inhales about 10 to 12 cans a day, according to the show. what does it make her feel like?

then i watched an episode about a dude addicted to video games and a lady that's a compulsive overeater who purges with water pills and laxatives. this episode was way too fake to me and made me feel really guilty about our culture.

the dude was kind of hot and his best friend was a hot blonde chick. he just really likes Halo. FAKE.

the woman couldn't control herself with so many fast food drive-thrus at her disposal. helping her bowels lose control eased her mind a bit. she wasn't wasting away by any means. FAKE.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Christmas Is Coming

That's all I'm going to say.

(yes, i feel this alarm clock is cooler than even THIS one.)

WARNING: Offensive Sarah Palin Joke Enclosed

(i dare you not to click. i dare you not to laugh.)

What's the difference between Sarah Palin's MOUTH ... and Sarah Palin's VAGINA?


Who's Your Daddy?

[Photo credit: Boston Herald]

What did you do Saturday night?

I'd be willing to bet that it wasn't half as exciting as what Roland Reese had going on. Mr. Reese took his three kids for a drive after a 10 year-old's birthday party. Isn't that cute?

Well, the police just can't let a guy spend some quality time with his kids. They pulled him over.

Yes, he happened to be speeding. Lighten up, officers. Am I right?

Sure, he was drinking from an open 12 pack of Heineken and the car "reeked" of the sticky icky, but it was a birthday party, people. Roland Reese refuses to half-step. The youth of today need to know how to let their hair down, and who better to illustrate how that is done than their father? Aren't people clamoring for male role models in the lives of today's children? Make up your mind.

Yes, I readily admit that there was also a large caliber, somewhat loaded weapon in the car as well, and that Mr. Reese was in the middle of a high speed shoot out when he was rudely interrupted by the police. Uh huh... The rear window of his vehicle had been shot out while his kids were in the back seat (quite possibly buckled in, I would speculate... but nobody mentions that he was obviously a "safety first" kind of dad). Big whoop. Get over yourselves, everyone.

Not everyone's parenting styles are identical. Excuse me and Mr. Reese. Sorry to upset your delicate sensibilities, but Roland Reese will not --will NOT-- raise his kids to be quitters. No, Roland Reese finishes what he starts. Well, he would have, if the intrusive, hyperalarmist, nanny state cops would have just allowed him to.

At least his wife did a Patsy Cline and stood by Rollin' Roland, saying “He was shot at... He’s a victim."

Did I mention that the arrest was less than 2 miles from my crib?


Monday, October 20, 2008

This was Overdue

People passing out anti-Muslim, anti-Obama "literature" at a McCain Rally are confronted by pro-McCain Muslims.

David's Situation

Here's a clip from the pilot you'll probably never ever see, but first a word from Mr. Odenkirk:

Zach Galifianakis plays an annoying old friend of David's who chances upon his house just when the house is being used to tape an episode of "Good Morning, Predator". Zach's character, LAME, has a shitty song he loves to sing to everyone and he does so here, completely oblivious to the fact that he is being labeled a predator. He's so happy to be on TV, that that is all that matters. It's a funny song, and cool video. Enjoy. (OH, and once again, HBO didn't nix the show, WE don't get mad at them. They are on our side and we're hoping to work with them in the future - hopefully the near future).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

An Inspirational Interlude

I believe that children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

Everybody's searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be
And so I learned to depend on me

(Please note the dates of these stories. I didn't have to do too much digging.)

God Bless America: Video Edition

[via Al Jazeera English, of all places]

Well I'm an Olde Gold Tooth & I'll Tell You the Truth...

Is this a case of life imitating art? Well, it's a very expensive procedure.

A refresher, because any excuse is a good excuse:

"Let's take it south!"

for you, princess jeff

a bacon tiara:

i learned of this from my new favorite web site
(run by the onepostwonder crew).

also, check it out.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Watch McCain's Face


A side note: Joe the Plumber might be interested to know that the plumber's union endorsed Senator Obama.


Here's the first post-debate ad from the Obama camp:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Look Into The Future?

Hilarious. Spend some time clicking and rolling over this image.

I am furiously trying to post this before class starts up in 5 minutes.

Google-imaging her name made me cringe as I imagined people looking over my shoulder.

Autographs "Don't Come Easy"

Random Observation

Guys named Hunter never seem likely to to be hunting enthusiasts.

Am I right?

God Bless America

That's right. Informed citizens of this great nation are !AGAINST! muslim baby-murderers. They will take this stand, regardless of its irrelevance.

Side note: I saw an "Arab for Obama" bumper sticker yesterday. Again, adjust your Xmas shopping accordingly.

butt baby!

i don't want to push paul's dead live feed down, but i know if i don't post this now, i'll forget all about it.

kara and laurin should see this, they'd like it.

this one's for you, jeff. king of the butt babies.

Monday, October 13, 2008

LIVE! From the Belly of the Beast

Watch live video from rayford's channel on

Jeff's Half-Hearted Question of the Day

[Pictured above: As close as I could come to googling for a proper image: a "bad dye job."]

Here's a question that has been on my mind, yet isn't pressing enough to google for an answer:

What the heck ever happened to Sisqo?

You know, the gentleman who brought us "Thong Song"?

He crossed my mind yesterday for no apparent reason, and this mystery lingers like an itch after shore leave.

I've chosen ignorance, so please don't spoil this for me.

Friday, October 10, 2008

it's about time ...

i predicted about a year or so ago that rachael ray would lose a bunch of weight and she would market a diet which would become a smash-hit phenomenon.

well, this isn't exactly a smash-hit phenomenon and i'm not sure rachael ray even lost massive amounts of weight (i'm not calling her fat, but she's got more meat on her than most tv personalities her age). i think maybe they're just using her face to get to you click the link that takes you to tara's fat loss blog.

but still, check it:

This Might Leave a Mark

Also, Joe lets his good friend John (God love him) have it.

Can Your MicroKorg Do THIS?


If it cooked bacon too, it'd be the greatest invention ever.

I want one of these. Adjust your Xmas shopping lists accordingly.

Thank you in advance.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

my new toy

can we have band practice at christmas times? family band?

quiz time: which is me?


answer: neither.

also, when you guys can 'squeeze' it into your 'busy' schedules, watch Crawford and lemme know what you think. i thought it was really well done. and the twist toward the end totally broke my heart.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This Isn't Over

Sure, the numbers look pretty decisive, and few people think that McCain & Palin are helping themselves... especially by resorting to repeating previously refuted rumors and smears. But everyone should take a moment to remind themselves that anything can happen between now and the moment the polls close on November 4th.

Have you registered to vote?

attack of the insomniac!

i have to open the coffee shop in half an hour. i closed it last night. i didn't sleep a single wink in between.

i blame this: Crawford

it made me cry and feel frustrated and powerless and so sad. i guess that's the mark of a good film. remind me of that in 5.5 hours when i'm stumbling homeward from work.

i have this to look forward to around 8 30 or 9 00 tonight, though. provided i'm not scraping myself off my bed.

and maybe some of these if i'm still feeling as ambitious as i was six hours ago:

Monday, October 6, 2008

remember this shirt??

also, did i tell you guys about the wheelchair i'm now bound to?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

the campaign in three minutes

disclaimer: there is footage of sarah palin strutting down a catwalk in a bathing suit.

another disclaimer: i talked to mom on the phone the other day. hoping to hear hear evidence that she doesn't want 'anyone' to be vice president, i say, 'so what do you think of sarah palin?'

answer? 'i like her. we're not talking politics, ally.'

yeah, neither is sarah palin.

Friday, October 3, 2008

2 years in 2 minutes

Squirtgun Assassins Under Fire


Y'know, some people think that squirtgun games in which punk kids play "hitman" are cool.

Those people are idiots.

People are going to the hospital over this "game." If this type of reckless "entertainment" is allowed to continue, I may run out of sarcastic "quotation marks" and even worse: your families will die.

It will happen, people.

Everybody panic.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008