Saturday, December 22, 2007

Deja Vu All Over Again... Again...

I had a feeling that my old desktop was going to quit on me a couple of weeks ago. like a genius, I backed up a bunch of things onto my external hard drive, not everything, but a good amount; so when the thing finally went belly up, the loss was somewhat softened with the knowledge that most of my months' worth of music and video files were safe and sound along with other "important" stuff.

Well, my friends, I tried to connect the external hard drive to this here laptop yesterday morning, and the thing wouldn't even turn on. No power this morning either.


In the span of 2 weeks, the following things have broken:
my iPod (which I have since fixed)
my desktop computer
my acoustic guitar
my external hard drive, which held the fruits of years of scouring the internets for obscure music, etc.

Happy Holidays!

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