Wednesday, January 2, 2008

David Cross on "Alvin"

I should really be polishing up the presentation on the Incan economical system that I must give tonight, but instead I am passing along a little nugget from David Cross.

Mr. Cross is appearing in the CGI-tastic "Alvin & the Chipmunks" movie. I guess he's getting a lot of flack for doing so, and I understand why.

Here is his response to all the haters.

The best part of all of this? It sounds like he and Bob Odenkirk pitched another show to HBO. I can't find any word on how that went, though.

"Cross" your fingers.

(Get it?)

Alright... back to work...


ally said...

so ... if david cross has a google alert, does that mean he knows that he was blogged about? does he know i just commented about it? is he going to be my husband?

are you there God? it's me, ally

Jeff said...

david cross could be the only guy i'd approve of you marrying, ally.

hell... even if you hated him, if he wished it to be so, i'd force you to marry him.

itspaulbriz said...

ally, that was the greatest "comment" this blog will see in 2008.
