Tuesday, December 14, 2010

No Need to Thank Me: Dancing

Hi, and welcome to another installment of the indispenible "No Need to Thank Me," a column in which I share priceless words of wisdom, inspiring nuggets of truth and helpful hints to help you have a happier, simpler and all-around better life.

Dear STR,

I'm a 16 year old guy. The girl I like asked me to the school dance, which is AWESOME!!! One problem. I don't know how to dance. I need to learn fast, because it's a New Year's dance. Any suggestions?

Topeka, KS

Hey, Tim.

Congrats on the date. I can imagine that you're pretty stressed. Have no fear! We'll get you on track.

A lot of people would tell you to learn two dances: a slow dance and a faster dance. Those people are fools. You only need to know one dance, if it is the right one. Luckily for you we here at STR can direct you to the master.

Here's what you do:
  1. Put on your best Lycra-based outfit
  2. Watch the following video
  3. Practice until you have it down

It's that simple, Tim. You're welcome, but really, there's no need to thank me.

Are you in need of some sage advice? Don't hesitate to leave a question in our comments section. You just might find it to be the subject of a future NNTTM column! Wouldn't that make your day? Dare to dream, friends.


itspaulbriz said...

"Crank! Two pats, into double dream hands! thumbs to yourself! Punch! Point from high to low! Crank under handed! Pat twice! CRANK IT!"

Josh said...

Like before!

Alicia said...

oh my ....