Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Date with Condoleezza Rice

Eat your heart out, Jack Donaghy.

I won a free ticket through work. Figured that I could at least see what she has to say. She's a bright lady, even if I do disagree with many of her stances on practically everything. Who knows, she could surprise me.


ally said...

that's awesome! we'll be expecting a detailed report on STR!

Jeff said...

UPDATE: I flaked.

I need to get stuff done here at work, I'd end up missing the first part of my class tonight (have to walk in late and hand in an assignment) and I need to suck up in that class.

I've been completely slacking. I haven't even started my huge research paper that is due a week from tonight. Just looked at the assignment's description for the first time a few minutes ago.

Tried to drop the class yesterday (I simply hit the wall after over 6 straight years of papers) but was denied. So... seeing as this class will be on my transcript, as the school has my degree on file, I should make a big boy effort to get this done.

I just handed off my ticket to a coworker. She's psyched. So that is something, I guess.

ally said...

i understand completely (as i'm sure paul and josh do) about the wall-hitting feeling.

can't we all just run away to a secret island (juggalo island, perhaps???) and be free of obligations for a while??

itspaulbriz said...

Cunnilingus Rice?