Sunday, December 5, 2010

No Need to Thank Me: Holiday Styling

Hi, and welcome to my newest venture here at STR: "No Need to Thank Me," a column in which I share words of wisdom, nuggets of truth and helpful hints to help you have a happier, simpler and all-around better life. First up? Holiday styling.

Listen, I know that finding just the right look for big events such as a holiday get-together can be stressful. You want-- no-- you NEED to look your best.

You're a trendsetter. Someone people look to as something of a fashion icon, if you will. There's no half way when it comes to your look, so you simply cannot settle for less than the best.

But here's the thing: The current economic climate doesn't lend itself to extravagant fees for styling services, even for something as important as, let's say your hairstyle. Even considering that your hair is like nature's hat for your face. It's integral to tying together your whole image. I mean, it would be great if you could find just the right style for around 30 bucks, right? Obviously. But that is a silly pipe dream. There's no way that you could find a deal like that with a hairstylist that you could trust.

...Or COULD you?!?

Yeah. You could. Only there's one catch: It won't cost you $30.

There's always a catch, right?

Luckily for you, it will only run you $27.50.

I know! Back up the truck! "Did I just read that properly, or have I had a few too many sips of ye olde egg nog?!?" No. That is what I typed.

Perfect style, done by a consummate professional all for the low price of $27.50.

You're welcome, but really, no need to thank me.

Are you in need of some sage advice? Don't hesitate to leave a question in our comments section. You just might find it to be the subject of a future NNTTM column! Wouldn't that make your day? Dare to dream, friends.


itspaulbriz said...

a bargain at ANY price.

Jeff said...

Just $27.50, you'll look good in the city.

itspaulbriz said...

"Son of Jarrell! KNEEL before ZOD!"

Jeff said...

" that I can get a better look at those soft, bounce, bounce bouncy curls!"