Thursday, October 16, 2008

Watch McCain's Face


A side note: Joe the Plumber might be interested to know that the plumber's union endorsed Senator Obama.


Here's the first post-debate ad from the Obama camp:


ally said...

was he extra blinky last night, or was it just me?

we watched the pbs post-game and some of their pundits were saying he did 'well' but i really thought that obama kicked his ass. obama's compsure juxtaposed with mccain's old, wrinkly, blinky uppity-ness really was remarkable.

itspaulbriz said...

Barack came across like a guy sorta debating the issues with his Grandfather. Amused, respectful, and careful not to land any still punches.

McCain was definetely fighting for his life out there, but I think Obama came across best.

Jeff said...

i agree with both of you. obama actually laughed out loud when mccain answered the question about the negative ads with "my campaign has been about jobs and the economy... that's what it has been about."

all of the polls i saw today said that obama won by a 2 to 1 margin. i thought it was closer than that, but still. gramps finally shows some life and it gets him squat.

also, joe the plumber is not a licensed plumber. he is registered to vote under another name (ACORN anyone?) and he owes back taxes.

say it ain't so, joe the plumber!

ally said...

who cares? joe the plumber is rich. SPREAD THE WEALTH JOE.