Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This Isn't Over

Sure, the numbers look pretty decisive, and few people think that McCain & Palin are helping themselves... especially by resorting to repeating previously refuted rumors and smears. But everyone should take a moment to remind themselves that anything can happen between now and the moment the polls close on November 4th.

Have you registered to vote?


itspaulbriz said...

i feel confident, but not sure. comfortable, but always alert.

quietly wondering if it will make any real difference other than the general "tone" of the country.

i dunno. i suppose time will tell.

Jeff said...

one thing that might come about after an obama victory could be a changed perception of the US around the world.

papers around the globe were expressing disbelief after the '04 election and our image took a hit. we elected a war criminal into the highest office in the land.

polling shows that people around the world prefer obama. i'm hoping that if nothing else, an obama win would restore people's faith in america and americans.

that'd be a fine start in my opinion.