Monday, October 13, 2008

Jeff's Half-Hearted Question of the Day

[Pictured above: As close as I could come to googling for a proper image: a "bad dye job."]

Here's a question that has been on my mind, yet isn't pressing enough to google for an answer:

What the heck ever happened to Sisqo?

You know, the gentleman who brought us "Thong Song"?

He crossed my mind yesterday for no apparent reason, and this mystery lingers like an itch after shore leave.

I've chosen ignorance, so please don't spoil this for me.


ally said...

for some reason i think he's become a man of the cloth. i could be totally wrong. i'm probably thinking of ma$e.

Jeff said...

ma$e did indeed join the flock, only to return to diddy's side.

wait... was "cloth" meant to be a pun because of the thong song?

i choose to believe that it was. well played.

itspaulbriz said...



Hanging out with Keith Fucking Sweat?

He's still got the goods.

And don't play like you "didn't need to know" what he's up to, Jeff. No one's buying it.