Monday, March 3, 2008

i still have a crush on justin timberlake

i was going to blog about my crazy morning, but i'm using my better judgment and deciding against it. it wasn't that crazy.

just a wild scramble caused by oversleeping. long story short, i woke up incredibly late, got my period and went to work wearing backwards leggings. alas, i still left my apartment literally within 10 minutes of waking and i didn't even look like garbage.

moving on ...

shawn and i noticed an interesting phenomenon this weekend at karaoke night. we met a friend of a friend, who was a really swell guy and sang a killer Prince song (i'm not familiar with it, so i don't remember the name. i also drank lots of champagne). his name was Mattie. Mattie was wearing a white shirt with black horizontal stripes.

the phenomenon i'm about to discuss has nothing to do with horizontal stripes being unflattering. Mattie's just a little squirt. he looked great.

the phenomenon we noticed is the great disparity of flirtation styles between homosexuals and heterosexuals. there was an older dude (he probably had about 15 years on Mattie, not that there's anything wrong with that, just tellin' the fax) wearing a similar shirt to Mattie who was hitting on him. first silly thing was that they were kind of dressed alike.

at one point, i looked over and saw this bigger (not fat, just not a lil' squirt like Mattie), older gentleman (who was also wearing carpenter jeans ... hel-LO!) sitting at a table with Mattie, showing him his iPhone. nothing too strange there, right?

no, that would have been fine. but this man was holding Mattie. fully embracing the poor kid. arms completely encircling our new pop-lovin' friend. HUH?!

as Shawn said last night, 'i would never let a random dude hold me at a bar.'

maybe it had nothing to do with their orientation. but it is a trend at karaoke night. the men there are so affectionate, but lovingly so; it's not usualy too sleazy.

now, if Shawn and i frequented meat-market type "clubs" (something i've been trying to get her to do because i just wanna bust a funky move!), maybe we'd be privy to more hetero-specific weird flirtation techniques. it just seems that they tend to be either completely veiled and fruitless, or blantantly carnal and drunkenly fulfilled. dudes hitting on each other at karaoke night are usually a bit more tender. although, some are just as vile as any frat dude would boast of being.

maybe shawn's a homophobe.

i guess being held is nicer than bad pick-up lines and unsolicited groping. if i ever meet david cross at a karaoke night, i hope he flirts with me in any way he sees fit.

shawn and i sang "faith" by george michael, i sang "heartbreaker" by pat benetar solo, i sang "love song" by the cure with matt igler, and shawn dueted with our friend nick to "cold as ice" by foreigner


Jeff said...

foreigner, along with the legendary eddie money, invented rock n' roll.

itspaulbriz said...

"Cold as Ice" + Karaoke = badass selection

Boner said...

Thanks, dudes!

Ally, your mention of "completely veiled and fruitless" flirtation techniques makes me realize that society has turned me into a total prude. Fix me up a plate of man. Now.

ally said...


ally said...

and, brothers, have you nothing nice to say about my selections? i felt really good about my solo, so eff y'all

ally said...

im actually not angry, LOLz

Boner said...

Ally, you sound insane. And you just try to get me gay boners. That's different!

ally said...

i encourage you to get str8 ones and you know it