Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Taiwanese Burgundy Loaf?

Finally, the classic Mr. Show (with Bob and David [Cross]) sketch is one step closer to becoming a reality.

The Modern Toilet Restaurant gives you a toilet to sit upon as you dine (on food such as chocolate soft serve ice cream presented in toilet shaped bowls).

How American of the Taiwanese to find a way to eat all they want without all of that moving around business. Seriously. I am relatively certain that somewhere in the midwestern US there is a guy pointing at his monitor, screaming to his wife in the other room, "See?!? I TOLD you that was a good idea!!"

I can't find any information on whether or not these thrones are fully operational.


ally said...

do i smell a trip to taiwan in the near future for you, jeff?

Jeff said...

i eat enough $#!% as it is, thank you very much.

thank you for the set up.

ally said...

no mention of the clever pun ('smell')?

itspaulbriz said...

rudy will await your foundation.