Wednesday, April 30, 2008

david cross doesn't return my calls

what happened to us?

i know we're all busy people, but c'mon!

boys, i ran into eileen venn last weekend. paul, she says you're hedging a bit in regards to wiffle ball weekend availability. she was also trashed at 8:30 on a friday, so who knows what's true and what's false. she ALSO asked me if you're still with 'lisa.'

i told her you canned that broad and just recently started seeing some middle school skank named alicia.

anyway, i miss my brothers and i miss my brothers' blog posts.

i'm not funny. you guys are. make something happen.


itspaulbriz said...

eileen was drunk? really?

impressed she remembered her OWN name.

and translate that line about the wiff tourney for me?

me no follow.

and sorry for lack of posts, between work and the release of Grand Theft Auto 4 ... i'm busy ripping peeps -- virtual or otherwise -- off 24/7.


ally said...

i wrote a response and it didn't publish! wah!!

umm...eileen said you seemed iffy about whether or not you'll be at the wiffle ball tourney