Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cup O' Heaven

It has been well documented that I enjoy keeping tabs on innovative ideas and the great thinkers of our time, so it should come as no surprise that I was excited to find that after centuries of striving and continuous tinkering, mankind has at last achieved the pinnacle of cup technology.


Yes, friends, that is a cup constructed of 100% bacon. Salad has never looked so good.

I am a sucker for bacon, new applications for bacon, and use cups on a fairly regular basis. It is as if this was created specifically for me. I'd like to take a moment here if I may, to speak directly to the inventor of this fine invention:

Dear Genius,

Thank you. I don't deserve this, and I acknowledge this openly, but for some reason you saw fit to present my feeble mind and feebler body with the knowledge that perfection can indeed exist in this world. For that I am most grateful.

Thank you for being so awesome.

Your humble servant (not literally though, I'm kind of busy)-

Off the top of my head, here are five uses for the bacon cup:

1) parfaits
2) a cup for David Cross. (Hi there, Mr. Cross. I'm a big fan, can't wait to see what you and Mr. Odenkirk put together this time. My sister happens to be single, by the way.)
c) athletic supporter or "cup" as it is known in most circles.
4) bacon ice cream cones (Think before you judge... maple walnut ice cream in a bacon cone? That actually sounds good to me. I may need an intervention.)
last) a bacon cup filled with bacon, of course.

I'd welcome any other suggestions, so let's hear 'em.


ally said...

put some peanut butter in the bacon bowl and a lil' side of sliced apples to dip in it. then i'd eat most of the peanut butter (except the parts that touch the bacon) and give the bowl to either you or david cross. whoever happened to be closer.

Boner said...

Did you get the link I sent you?

itspaulbriz said...

Bacon Coffee Mug.

where were you people on THAT one?

ally said...

bacon boner?

Boner said...

I had a grilled cheese with bacon from Spring Street the other day. My brain fell apart, on account of all the joy.

itspaulbriz said...

scoop your brain up ... with a Bacon Cup!