Thursday, February 7, 2008

like a kiss on the cheek from jesus

here i am, blogging at the gym like i'm some kinda dweeb

anyway, tonight i had an epiphany. one of those humbling moments when i realize that i'm just as lame and everyone around me.

pulling into the gym, i was grateful at the myriad open parking spots.

'ha! fat idiots finally gave up on their new year's resolutions!' i thought. 'suckers.'

then it dawned on me.

i just resumed my new year's resolution (writing every day) yesterday, after a 3 week (give or take a few days) hiatus.

who's the fat idiot now, ally? huh?


Boner said...

My New Year's Resolution was to KICK YOUR ASS.

itspaulbriz said...

do it, boner. do it.

i'll hold the slippery bitch still!