Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why I'll be Voting for Obama

1.) He is the most eloquent speaker running, by my estimation. The Anti-Dubya. I doubt that we'll be able to find racks of books at your local Borders (!) devoted to any Obama'isms, if he's elected.

2.) I've always felt that this country needed a black president, even if just to say it had one. I recall, in first or maybe second grade, my puzzlement over the reality that this nation, in it's 200+ years of existence, had never "gone black", as it were. perhaps there was a sense that, had they "gone" ... they may "never go back"? But, alas...

As Chris Rock said ... "You know Bush fucked up if they turning to a brother!"

3.) I can't vote for Hillary. I'd dig having a woman president, but not Hillary. I just don't trust her, on a very fundamental and real level. Bill is slippery but effective. She's slippery and fake. I ... just don't trust her.

4.) He favors knowledge, discussion and understanding over shock, awe, and Shock&Awe.

5.) Oprah loves him. And I hate Oprah... ...oh, wait...

6.) People knock his "inexperience", but that's BS. No elaboration needed other than to say; experience, exSCHMEARience. 'nuff said.

7.) His name and skin tone frighten some select southerners and assorted "ignorants".

8.) Ted Kennedy is about to endorse him! But only after he drives him off a bridge and -- quote -- "erraaahh, Drowns Him"!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

If Ted endorses him, he's only following your lead.

I think I was beginning to lean this way myself. Hillary would be my 2nd choice, but the plasticity was bothering me as well.

Unless Don Mattingly decides to make a run at it last minute, I'm with you.

...Wait... could I write Donnie Baseball in?

Take that, democracy!