Saturday, January 5, 2008

calling all dorks


i also have psychic capabilities. i've long suspected this, due to all the synchronicities i experience. however, tonight, during our traditional Friday-night-D.A.'s-people-watching, I had psychic powers, and Shawn was my witness. normally she's the psychic one, but i may have taken it from her. we're good friends. we share.

but what i'm really here to blog about is the fact that i'll be blogging like a mother.

also, i wanted to blog about jeanne bice.

i just found out about this beautiful woman today, from one of my favorite co-workers, doug.

okay, so i don't know very much about her. but i like what i know.

anyway, she came up in conversation because of one of my job perks: i sit near the secretaries. they all have judith light hairdos, from back when mom looked like her (and, incidentally, was a secretary).

i don't know if the secretaries are into jeanne bice, but i do know that at least one has a QVC chargecard (thankyouverymuch). i heard them discussing this, had to tell doug, and he taught me about the wonders of the Quacker Factory.

god bless america.
and jesus.

also, check this out.


Jeff said...

i am ashamed to admit that i'd already seen the kitty wigs.

miss bice (i like to assume she's available) is pretty amazing.


good to hear that you're connected to the world.

itspaulbriz said...

hannukah is SUPPOSED to dribble, isn't it?

Jeff said...

not "dribble", "dreidel".
