Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy new year!

best site ever.
that might be a stretch, but it's definitely up there.

what's everyone's resolutions? mine: not to suck.

i want to be more tolerant and less petty. i want to worry less about stupid crap that doesn't really matter. i also want to be independently wealthy. or dependently wealthy. i'm not gonna be too picky about the wealthy part of my resolution.

paul, your girlfriend txted me at midnight and referred to herself as my sister-in-law-to-be. get engaged already.


itspaulbriz said...


she hasn't "earned it" yet.

jeff understands.

Jeff said...

i held out for 8 years.

you have to make 'em want it.

dangle that carrot, paul.

(that said, alicia has already been a phenomenal addition to the family, official or otherwise... but i'd appreciate it if you two could pop out a kid or three so that mom would cut me some slack. thanks in advance.)

itspaulbriz said...

*wonders if he's able to DELETE this post and it's comments before alicia stumbles across it*