Friday, August 29, 2008

This Is Exactly How I Got My Job, Too

"Palin and her husband have five children, Bristol, Piper, Track, Willow, and Trig."

Someone who named her own flesh and blood Track, Willow, and Trig (names so awful that Bristol and Piper don't even make the list) could be second in command and would be the person to replace a 72 year old cancer survivor as President of these United States should anything happen to him.

Just tossing that out there.

Oh, and in the Alaskan gubernatorial race she ran as the ethics candidate, then allegedly fired a state official because he would not fire her ex-brother-in-law because she was sour grapes with him.


itspaulbriz said...

i'd bone her on a dare.


you kidding me? absolutely.

i'm into that freak-show shit.

Jeff said... is already taken, paul.
