Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oh No He Didn't!

Well... alright... He probably did.

Musical genius/irrepressible pedophile R. Kelly might be up to his old tricks again.

Remember that videotape of a Kells doppleganger defiling an underage girl? Seven years ago? The trial for charges stemming from that incident was pushed back indefinitely yet again last month. Supposedly it will get underway next spring (no pun intended).

Allegedly, Robert Sylvester Kelly slept with the daughter of his publicist. She wasn't underage. Before you go and pat the Mozart of the New Millennium on the back, the girl was 19 and he has known her since she was just 4 years old. Considering the guy's supposed history, that's just plain creepy.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love the guy's music. There is a certain absurdity that is hypnotizing when it is paired up with the funk the man lays down. Every time that I think the guy is in on the joke, that he's playing up the persona, the horny manchild musical savant, he does something like this that leads me to believe that he lacks the mental capacity to come up with such a brilliant plan, let alone execute it to such perfection. The timing of this allegation (if true... but really, what are the chances that this didn't happen?), with the trial looming seems so incredibly ridiculous. Setting aside the moral issues for a moment, this seems monumentally dumb on a self-preservation level.

I just wish the guy could get freaky-deeky without involving the youth of this great nation.

C'mon, Mr. Show-biz. I know you're the sexasaurus and everything, but you're making it really difficult to defend you.

The man can write some amazing music, though... Just ask him.

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