Sunday, March 13, 2011

Radiohead Fan Confessional


Jeff said...

Funny stuff.

Man, I still haven't heard the new one. I've decided that I'm waiting for the vinyl to show up in May.

I've heard nothing but negative stuff about KoL. But then again, if it is anything like Kid A and Amnesiac, I'd be happy.

itspaulbriz said...

ALL negative? what douches.

YES, it takes multiple digital spins.

get over it.

i will admit to not feeling, as the kids say, 3 of the (only) 8 songs IMMEDIATELY.

if you haven't heard it -- i won't go into it. but a handful of those tunes are really good, in my opinion.

ally wasn't digging it a few tracks in either... you give the rest of it more of a chance, ally-cat-from-where-we-sat?