Monday, February 28, 2011

Charlie or Warrior?

who said it? was it:

Charlie Sheen OR the Ultimate Warrior?


Jeff said...

9 out of 18.

Given how guano they both seem to be, I am not too disappointed with my score.

itspaulbriz said...

I had 13 out of 18.

ally said...

it's possible i'm the only person in america who doesn't know the answer to this question:

why is everyone talking about sheen on the internets these days? i thought we all knew dude likes drugs. i don't get it.

Jeff said...

The American people have grown tired of democratic uprisings off in places they could never point to on a map. They would rather not examine the merits of unions and the potential reasons for them being targeted by a political party.

hardcore drugs + hookers + B list celebrity = familiar, scandalous narrative

People are comfortable with what they know. Plus the guy seems to be absolutely insane. The urge to rubberneck at this trainwreck is widespread.

ally said...

sigh. i feel sorry for him. maybe it's because i encounter a billion charlie sheens everyday and it gets exhausting.

either way, i wish the dude would realize that he needs to step out of the spotlight and recover.

Jeff said...

It is impossible for Charlie Sheen to step out of the spotlight. Charlie Sheen is comprised entirely of spotlights. And tiger blood, evidently.