Remember the good old days? Think back, people, all the way to the wondrous year of 2007.
A Glorious Year, to be sure.
Reach back and grab a hold on November of that most fabled year. A Brisbin got two other Brisbins together and -- TOGETHER -- created the most dominant, free-minded, politically influential, rooten'ist, tooten'ist , winningest BLOG in the INDUSTRY.
1.)He is the most eloquent speaker running, by my estimation. The Anti-Dubya. I doubt that we'll be able to find racks of books at your local Borders (!) devoted to any Obama'isms, if he's elected.
2.)I've always felt that this country needed a black president, even if just to say it had one. I recall, in first or maybe second grade, my puzzlement over the reality that this nation, in it's 200+ years of existence, had never "gone black", as it were. perhaps there was a sense that, had they "gone" ... they may "never go back"? But, alas...
As Chris Rock said ... "You know Bush fucked up if they turning to a brother!"
3.)I can't vote for Hillary. I'd dig having a woman president, but not Hillary. I just don't trust her, on a very fundamental and real level. Bill is slippery but effective. She's slippery and fake. I ... just don't trust her.
4.)He favors knowledge, discussion and understanding over shock, awe, and Shock&Awe.
5.)Oprah loves him. And I hate Oprah... ...oh, wait...
6.)People knock his "inexperience", but that's BS. No elaboration needed other than to say; experience, exSCHMEARience. 'nuff said.
7.) His name and skin tone frighten some select southerners and assorted "ignorants".
8.)Ted Kennedy is about to endorse him! But only after he drives him off a bridge and -- quote -- "erraaahh, Drowns Him"!
That is a picture of an electronic contact lens. It is real. This isn't science fiction. There is still work to be done, but within a few years they could allow images to be superimposed on someone's field of vision.
Pilots could monitor speed, altitude, etc. without looking to a control panel. Could I get a pair that could help be see the spin on a baseball to alert me when a breaking pitch is coming? This is amazing stuff. Those working on the technology predict web browsing using these as a virtual monitor. Insanity. But this isn't the only recent development that caught my eye. (Seriously, that wasn't intentional, but it is staying.)
Scientists have developed synthetic skin for prosthetic limbs that will sense touch and heat. Again, it isn't quite ready to hit the market, but it isn't far off.
A monkey in North Carolina made a robot in Japan move... using her mind. She had the assistance of some scientists. The plan is to use this technology to allow paraplegics to walk again.
-- Howard's old Channel 9 television show in New York. can't believe this show aired on that station for several years in the 90's and i missed out.
a must view.
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"Obviously, he wears a toupee sometimes."
-- Stuttering John interviews/blindsides Chevy Chase.
he really is a jerk!
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"Does it bother you when people try to talk to you while you're on the bowl?"
-- John follows that instant classic up by cornering (and puzzling) a very foreign Imelda Marcos. but not before harassing a host of other forgettable figures of the past.
the look on the face of that shoe-hoarding yenta will live in my heart and mind forever.
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"You wanna talk strange? What about your hair? It's orange!"
-- WNBC fires Howard and Howard fires back on a rival, local TV station.
he is just bad-ass. his HAIR is bad-ass.
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coming soon'ish: a look back to Stern appearances on the Letterman show. until then, don't do a search for "stern letterman" on youtube unless you're looking to nullify the impact of my next post.
i also have psychic capabilities. i've long suspected this, due to all the synchronicities i experience. however, tonight, during our traditional Friday-night-D.A.'s-people-watching, I had psychic powers, and Shawn was my witness. normally she's the psychic one, but i may have taken it from her. we're good friends. we share.
but what i'm really here to blog about is the fact that i'll be blogging like a mother.
also, i wanted to blog about jeanne bice.
i just found out about this beautiful woman today, from one of my favorite co-workers, doug.
okay, so i don't know very much about her. but i like what i know.
anyway, she came up in conversation because of one of my job perks: i sit near the secretaries. they all have judith light hairdos, from back when mom looked like her (and, incidentally, was a secretary).
i don't know if the secretaries are into jeanne bice, but i do know that at least one has a QVC chargecard (thankyouverymuch). i heard them discussing this, had to tell doug, and he taught me about the wonders of the Quacker Factory.
I should really be polishing up the presentation on the Incan economical system that I must give tonight, but instead I am passing along a little nugget from David Cross.